Vessels of Quran & springs of knowledge

Following is a beautiful saying of companion Sayyidna Omar Farooq (Razi Allah Anaho)
کنزالعمال کتاب: علاج معالجہ طب اور جھاڑ پھونک کا بیان باب: اپنے نفسوں کا محاسبہ حدیث نمبر: 44219
عن عمر قال: كونوا أوعية الكتاب وينابيع العلم، وعدوا أنفسكم من الموتى، واسألوا الله رزق يوم بيوم، ولا يضركم إن يكثر لكم. “سفيان بن عيينة في جامعه، حم في الزهد، حل
Narrated from Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) who said:
“Be vessels of the Book and springs of knowledge, and consider yourselves among the dead. Ask Allah for provision day by day, and it will not harm you if it becomes abundant.”
[Reference : Kanz al-Ummal,Book: Treatment, Medicine, and Ruqyah,Chapter: Self-Accountability,Hadith Number: 44219. Also Sufyan ibn Uyaynah narrated it in his collection; it is also mentioned by Hammad in Az-Zuhd.)
Meaning of the saying
The statement attributed to `Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) carries deep spiritual and practical wisdom:
“Be vessels of the Book and springs of knowledge”:
This emphasizes the importance of internalizing the Qur’an and becoming a source of knowledge and guidance for others. Just as vessels preserve and hold precious contents, believers are encouraged to embody the teachings of the Qur’an. By being “springs of knowledge,” they should share and spread this knowledge, benefiting others like a spring nourishes its surroundings.“Consider yourselves among the dead”:
This is a call for humility and constant awareness of mortality. Living with the mindset that death is imminent inspires a sense of urgency in doing good deeds, avoiding sins, and preparing for the Hereafter.“Ask Allah for provision day by day” or Daily Reliance on Allah (Tawakkul):
Asking for provision day by day teaches humility, dependence on Allah, and gratitude for His daily sustenance. It encourages believers to live in the present, trusting that Allah will provide for their needs without excessive worry about the future. This reliance fosters spiritual contentment and prevents greed or anxiety.Receiving Abundance due to daily Dua and Tawakkal:
If we consistently ask Allah for sustenance, He may bless us with abundance. This highlights the immense power of dua (supplication). The more you sincerely ask, the more Allah grants. Asking daily from Allah also demonstrates Tawakkul (reliance) on Him, and this reliance ensures that Allah becomes sufficient for us. In turn, as the Qur’an states:“And He will provide him from sources he could never imagine. And whoever relies upon Allah, then He is sufficient for him. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Allah has set a measure for everything.” (Surah At-Talaq: 3)
Moreover, an increase in wealth is not harmful in itself; rather, it is a test. It tests our gratitude—whether we truly thank Allah for this blessing—and our obedience to His commands. Abundant wealth challenges us to use it responsibly by fulfilling obligations like paying zakat and giving in charity. Thus, wealth becomes an opportunity to prove our faith and devotion to Allah (Subhanahu wa ta ala).
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