Importance of Dua after Salah

Sometimes Muslims pray Salah but after salah they do not make supplication or Dua to Allah (Subhanahu wa ta ala) for their desires. This is indeed a great loss since Dua after each Salah is one of the best time for acceptance of Dua . Infact this time is as much important as making Dua in the last one third of the night i.e the Suhoor time. The ahadith mentioning the importance of Dua after Salah are mentioned below.
First Hadith
Narrated by companion Arbadh (Radi Allah Anho ) that Allah subhanahu wa ta ala’s dearest Prophet Muhammad (Salallaho alayhay wa alehehe wa barik wa sallam) said: ” Whoever has completed ,the obligatory Salah, then its time of acceptance of Dua for that person “[Kanzul Amal , Tabrani] ]
Second Hadith
Narrated by companion Abu Musa (Radi Allah Anho ) that Allah subhanahu wa ta ala’s dearest Prophet Muhammad (Salallaho alayhay wa alehehe wa barik wa sallam) said: ” Whoever has a desire then he should make Dua after Salah “[Kanzul Amal , Ibn Asakir ]
Third Hadith
Companion Abu Umamah (Radi Allah Anho ) asked about the best time for acceptance of Dua ,then Allah subhanahu wa ta ala’s dearest Prophet Muhammad (Salallaho alayhay wa alehehe wa barik wa sallam) replied : “The last part of the night (Suhoor time) and the time after each obligatory Salah “[Jamia Tirimzi]
Jazak Allahay Khair for reading this. Please also read “Importance of Dua in Ahadith “