Dua(s) for breaking fast with audio & transliteration

We normally use just one dua for breaking fast. According to Ahadith , there more than one dua for breaking fast. There are total of 6 duas for breaking fast in Ahadith. These duas for break fast have two categories.
- Dua for breaking fast in normal situation.
- Dua for breaking fast when invited as guest.
There are five duas in the first group and one dua in the second group.
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
ToggleSix duas for breaking fasting
Dua for breaking fasting in normal situation
#1 Dua

Transliteration : Zahabaz Zama , Wabtallatil Urooq , Wa Thabbaral Ajru In sha Allah
Translation : The thirst has gone, the veins are moist, and the reward is confirmed, Allah willing. [Sunan Abi Dawud 2013]
#2 Dua

Transliteration : Allahumma Laka Sumtu , wa Ala Rizqika Aftart(u)
Translation : O Allah, for Thee I have fasted, and with Thy provision I have broken my fast [ Masnaf Ibn Ibi Shaiba 9531] .
#3 Dua

Transliteration : Allahumma Laka Sumna , wa Ala Rizqika Aftarna , Fataqabbal Minna , Innaka Anatas Sami-ul-aleem
Translation : O Allah, to you we fasted, and for your sustenance we broke our fast, so accept from us that you are the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing [Majma e Zawaed] .
#4 Dua

Transliteration : Alhamdulillah hilazi A-a-nani Fasumtu wa Razaqani Fa-aftartu
Translation : All Praise be to Allah who helped me so I fasted, and provided me with food, so I broke my fast . [ Abu Dawud , Sunan Nisai ]
#5 Dua

Transliteration : Allahumma Inni Asaluka Birehmati kallati wasiat Kulla Shay Yin An Taghfirli
Translation : O Allah, I ask You by Your mercy, which encompasses all things, to forgive me. [Baihaqi in Shubal Imaen ] .

Dua for breaking fasting when invited as guest
Narrated by companion Hazrat Anas Ibn Malik that when Allah (Subhanahu wa ta-ala)’s dearest Prophet Muhammad (Salallaho alayhay walehe wabarik wa sallam) used to break fast at someone’s place (as a guest) then he (Salallaho alayhay walehe wabarik wa sallam) used say the following dua when breaking fast.
#6 Dua

Transliteration : Aftara Indakumus Saaimoona wa Akala Ta-amakumul Abraru wa Sallat Alaykumul Malaika
Translation : Those who fast may break their fast with you, and the righteous may eat your food, and the angels pray upon you [Sunan Ibn Majah ] .
Jazak Allahay Khairan for reading. May Allah subhanahu wa ta ala make it beneficial for me,you and all humanity ameen.( Allahumma Sallay Ala Muhammadew wa ala alehe wabarik wa sallam)
You can read this post in arabic also “Dua for fasting in Arabic”
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