Dua Anas bin Malik two versions with audio recitation
Dua Anas bin Malik is supplication from Sayyidna Anas ibn Malik ibn Nadr al-Khazraji Al-Ansari ,who is a wellknown sahabi of Allah’s prophet Muhammad (صلي الله عليه وآله وبارك وسلم) . Anas bin Malik was 8 years old when he first met Allah’s prophet Muhammad (صلي الله عليه وآله وبارك وسلم) . He worked in the house of Allah’s prophet Muhammad (صلي الله عليه وآله وبارك وسلم) for 10 years . Anas bin Mlik died in 93 AH at the age of 103 (lunar years) .He was the second last surviving sahabi .
Dua anas bin Malik is a supplication narrated from him which is for protection from enemy and other calamities. There are two versions of the Dua Anas bin Malik.
- Dua from Amal-Alyaum wal Laila عمل_اليوم_والليلة by Ibn-Sanni ابن السني
- Dua from the hadith book dua by Tabrani الطبراني في الدعاء
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
ToggleDua Anas bin Malik from Amal-Alyaum wal Laila عمل_اليوم_والليلة

Listen to pronunciation of Dua Anas Bin Malik.
Right click to download Dua Anas bin Mallik from Ibn-Sanni
الله أكبر ، الله أكبر ، الله أكبر ، بسم الله على نفسي وديني ، بسم الله على كل شيء أعطاني ربي ، بسم الله خير الأسماء ،
Allah is great, Allah is great, Allah is great, in the name of Allah over myself and my religion, in the name of Allah over everything my Lord has given me . In the name of Allah which are the best from all names
بسم الله الذي لا يضر مع اسمه داء ، بسم الله افتتحت ، وعلى الله توكلت ، الله الله ربي ، لا أشرك به أحدا ،
.In the name of Allah because with the blessings of the names of Allah , nothing can harm me on earth and in the skies . I start with the name of Allah . I put my trust in Allah . Allah Allah is my Sustainer . I do not associate anyone with Him alone
أسألك اللهم بخيرك من خيرك ، الذي لا يعطيه أحد غيرك ، عز جارك ، وجل ثناؤك ، ولا إله غيرك
I ask You, O God, with Your goodness from Your goodness, which no one gives but You, the Mighty of Your Neighbor, and the Exalted is Your praise, and there is no god but You.
أسألك اللهم بخيرك من خيرك ، الذي لا يعطيه أحد غيرك ، عز جارك ، وجل ثناؤك ، ولا إله غيرك ،
O Allah I ask for the goodness from Your goodness .The goodness which no one can give me except You. Triumphant is the person who comes close to you , and your praise is the highest praise .and there is no deity except You
اجعلني في عياذك من شر كل سلطان ، ومن الشيطان الرجيم ،
Keep me safe from the evil of every authority and save me from the accursed Satan.
اللهم إني أحترس بك من شر جميع كل ذي شر خلقته ،
Oh Allah, I seek your refuge from the combined evil of all the harmful creatures you have created.
وأحترز بك منهم ، وأقدم بين يدي :
I get protection against them by You, and I present (this) in my hands :
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم قل هو الله أحد ، الله الصمد ، لم يلد ولم يولد ، ولم يكن له كفوا أحد ،
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.Say: He is Allah, the One! (1) Allah, the eternally Besought of all! (2) He begetteth not nor was begotten. (3) And there is none comparable unto Him. (4)
ومن خلفي مثل ذلك ، وعن يميني مثل ذلك ، وعن يساري مثل ذلك ، ومن فوقي مثل ذلك
And in the same way (no one is Like Him) from the back , from the right and from above
Allaho Akbar Allaho Akbar Allaho Akbar . Bismillah Ala Nafsi , Bismillah Ala Kull Shayin Aatani Rabbi , Bismillahi Khair Al Asma
Allah is great, Allah is great, Allah is great, in the name of Allah over myself and my religion, in the name of Allah over everything my Lord has given me . In the name of Allah which are the best from all names
Bismillahil Lazi La Yaddu Ma-asmihi Daa , Bismillahay Aftahtu , wa alallah Tawakaltu , Allahu Allahu Rabbi , La Ushrika Bi Ahada
.In the name of Allah because with the blessings of the names of Allah , nothing can harm me on earth and in the skies . I start with the name of Allah . I put my trust in Allah . Allah Allah is my Sustainer . I do not associate anyone with Him alone
Asaluka Allahuma Baykhairik Min Khairik , Alazi La Yootihi Ahadun Ghairik , Azza Jaruk , wa Jalla Sannauk , wa La ilahay Ghairuk
O Allah I ask for the goodness from Your goodness .The goodness which no one can give me except You. Triumphant is the person who comes close to you , and your praise is the highest praise .and there is no deity except You
Ajalni fi Ayazik Min Shari Kulli Sultan , wamin Shaitan nir Rajeem
Keep me safe from the evil of every authority and save me from the accursed Satan.
Allahumma Inni Ahtaris bika Min Sharri Jami-in Kulli Zi Sharrin Khalaqtahu
Oh Allah, I seek your refuge from the combined evil of all the harmful creatures you have created.
Wahtarza Bika Minhum , wa Aqdim Baina Yadaye
I get protection against them by You, and I present (this) in my hands :
Bismillahir Rehmanir Raheem, Qul huwa Allahu ahad , Allahu assamad , Lam yalid walam yoolad , Walam yakun lahu kufuwan ahad
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.Say: He is Allah, the One! (1) Allah, the eternally Besought of all! (2) He begetteth not nor was begotten. (3) And there is none comparable unto Him. (4)
Wamin Khalfi Misla Zalik , Wa Aye Yamini Misla Zalik , Wa Aye Yasari Misla Zalik, wamin Fauqi Misla Zalik
And in the same way (no one is Like Him) from the back , from the right and from above
Dua Anas bin Malik from the book dua by Tabrani الطبراني في الدعاء

Listen to pronunciation of Dua Anas Bin Malik second version.
Right click to download Dua Anas bin Mallik from Tabrani
بسم الله على نفسي وديني
In the name of Allah over myself and my religion
بسم الله على ما أعطاني ربي عز وجل
In the name of Allah for what my Lord Almighty has given me.
بسم الله على أهلي ومالي
In the name of Allah over my family and my weatlh
الله أكبر، الله ربي، الله أكبر، الله ربي لا أشرك به شيئا
Allah is the greatest , Allah is my sustainer , Allah is the greatest, Allah is my Sustainer , I do not associate any partner with Him
أجرني من كل شيطان رجيم، ومن كل جبار عنيد
Protect me from every accursed devil, and from every stubborn tyrant.
إن وليي الله الذي نزل الكتاب وهو يتولى الصالحين
My guardian is God who sent down the book . And he takes care of the righteous
، فإن تولوا فقل حسبي الله لا إله إلا هو عليه توكلت وهو رب العرش العظيم
And if they turn away, then say, “God is sufficient for me, there is no god but He, on Him I have relied, and He is the Lord of the Great Throne.”
Bismillahy ala Nafsi wa Deeni
In the name of Allah over myself and my religion
Bismillahy Ala Ma Atani Rabbi
In the name of Allah for what my Lord Almighty has given me
Bismillahy Ala Ahli wa Mali
In the name of Allah over my family and my weatlh
Allahuakber , Allahuakber , Allahuakber La Ushriku bihi Shyia
Allah is the greatest , Allah is my sustainer , Allah is the greatest, Allah is my Sustainer , I do not associate any partner with Him
Ajirni Min Kulli Shaitanir Rajeem , wa min Kulli Jabbarin Aneed
Protect me from every accursed devil, and from every stubborn tyrant.
Inna Walliya Halazi Nazalal Kitab wahuwa Yatawallas Saliheen
My guardian is God who sent down the book . And he takes care of the righteous
Fa in Tawallow , Faqul Hasbiyallah La ilaha illah huwa alayhay tawakaltu wahuwa Rabbul Arshil Azeem
And if they turn away, then say, “God is sufficient for me, there is no god but He, on Him I have relied, and He is the Lord of the Great Throne.”
You might be interested in another dua of protection by famous Sahabi Abu Darda which is known as Dua Abu Darda . Please visit “Dua Abu Darda” .
Jazak Allahay Khairan for reading . May Allah (Subhanahu wa ta aal) make it beneficial for all of us ameen. (الهم صلي علي محمد وعلي آل محمد وبارك وسلم)